Emerging Careers After Pandemic – Choose wisely!

The Coronavirus pandemic shook the whole world and gave us a call to rethink our priorities and plan efficiently before coming back to normal life. Previously, most of us did not take pandemic as a serious and near-sighted risk. Now, things have taken a 180 degrees turn and we are starting anew – in one way or the other. Just like everything else, the career trends will also change in the upcoming years. Keeping that in mind, you must take a wise decision when it comes to choosing any of the emerging careers after pandemic.

Here are the best emerging careers after pandemic:

Data Protection, Cyber Security and Privacy Licensing

In the past few months, the global cyber security networks have reported a magnanimous surge in online crimes. From spiking phishing attacks and heavily degenerative hacking attacks to complete server shutdowns and data privacy lawsuits, the era of pandemic has resulted in chaos in more than a single forefront. Medical facilities and research centers have become most prominent targets on the radar of cybercriminals. The situation is also getting graver for business entities and other stakeholders linked to the online world for multiple purposes like online meetings, online selling, marketing and much more.

Keeping this in mind, careers in data protection, cyber security specialization, Risk Assessment and Penetration and Data Privacy licensing are set to become most-trending ones. If you are someone who understands the complexities of IT network, data systems and privacy laws, now is your best chance to turn your interest into a profession by taking tests and relevant examinations. You can be hired as a Chief Data Officer, Chief Privacy Officer and on various other C-suite positions given that you possess the skills and qualifications needed for it.

Licensed Practicing and Vocational Nursing

Unfortunately, and painstakingly, many health professionals and assistants have lost their lives while fighting with the global pandemic. There is a shortage of medical staff and qualified healthcare professionals, including practicing and vocational nurses, in healthcare centers and relevant organizations. On top of that, many countries are planning to bring changes to their healthcare plans, policies and budget, which will lead to a possible increase in professional positions for qualified healthcare staff and workers.

Your best bet to secure your position as a well-paid and satisfied healthcare worker is to sign up as a licenses practicing or vocational nurse. You can be placed either in hospitals, private clinics and similar other healthcare centers or in elderly-care centers and even homes.

Physician Assistants and Virtual Assistants

Everyone needs an assistant and everyone can be an assistant to someone. The different lies on the types of skills you possess which can be offered to assist any central individual. You can work as a healthcare assistant to aid doctors, specialists and nurses in treating patients, conducting important medical researches and contributing to the overall improvement in the global health of people.

Alternatively, you can also sign up as a virtual assistant for business owners, online sellers, marketers, mental health therapists and many other professionals. The best part about virtual assistant as an emerging career is that you do not have to have a degree for it. Your proven track record of skills and experience relevant to your field of interest is good enough for you to get hired as a well-paid virtual assistant.

IT Specialists and Software Engineers

Everything is going digital. International governments are actively encouraging business owners, traders, stakeholders and even job seekers to go digital as remote working is no longer favorable. Given the rapid increase in digitalization of many businesses, several multinational platforms, like Twitter, have realized that they can work remotely forever. Keeping the rise in digital trends, your safest best to secure a promising career in the post-pandemic world is to become an IT Specialist, a Software Engineer or a Computer Science expert. Even if you do not have a special college degree (which is ideal), you can learn programming skills online. However, self-learning will only take you so far, and eventually you will need a professional degree to secure a better position in any firm.

Remote Business Operations Manager

We have seen Amazon continue its operation, till Jeff Bezos become the world’s richest person during pandemic. Several organizations shifted whatever they could shift of their proceedings on online platforms. Eventually, everyone sensed the missing piece in the online business puzzle – the Remote Operations Manager. Now, Remote Operations Manager are not limited to some C-suite person who overlook everything remotely. In fact, it has a wider meaning and it covers other positions like Remote Salespersons, Virtual Call Representatives and Operators, Remote Customer Care Hubs and even Remote Human Resource Managers. You can also start your career as an online Documentation and Legal work services provider if you have relevant skills and specialty.

Digital Marketing and Business Administration

With the rapid shifting of local businesses to online platforms, a void is created in the digital world with respect to digital marketing and online business administration. Operating a business/organization remotely does not mean that you need to cut down on your Business Administration – in fact, online businesses need more of it.

You can start a career as an Online Business Administrator, Manager and Digital Marketer to earn big bucks by helping businesses who need your services.

Mechanical, Civil, Aeronautical, Space and Robotics Engineering

The upcoming era is the era of technological advancement. Humans are yet to achieve the prime of technological advancement and digital innovation – needless to say that we are rapidly progressing towards it. From Tesla’s increasing efforts for colonizing Mars with humans to man’s ever-increasing quest for automating everything, there is a fire need for talented and well-versed engineers in critical areas like Mechanics, Civil Engineering, Astronomy, Space, Aeronautics and Robotics engineering. Once you receive your professional degree, consider getting into a relevant medical specialization.

Think And Choose Wisely!

We are about to enter a destabilized and highly volatile global economy once the lockdown is lifted. Although the Coronavirus may take a couple more years to vanquish from the line of threat, the global progress will continue and seek more talented individuals. The competition is higher than ever but on the bright side, the opportunities are more unique than ever. Instead of moving about the traditional line of choosing careers, it is high time to think logically and innovatively to choose a top-trending and in-demand career after pandemic.

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