The global pandemic in 2020 has caused an overabundance of businesses and organizations to come to a standstill. With the coronavirus spreading exponentially and forcing countries to practice a lockdown, employees and students both face an uncertain future in light of the unusual circumstances. However, as the working of businesses has come to a halt, your professional growth does not have to. Due to the ample amount of time available, you can propel yourself in the right direction to ensure that you keep growing professionally.
So how can we ensure that we are spending our free time in the right mannerism? Below are five pointers to follow to give your CV a boost while staying at home.
1-Gain more knowledge and practical skills through online courses.

While it may be a pain to substitute studying for your free time, it can add immense value to your profile. The mere idea of making an effort during a pandemic can be attractive to certain employers. There are various skill and knowledge-based courses available online on websites such as Coursera and ED-X. These websites offer online courses from top tier universities such as U-Penn, Yale, Stanford, and MIT covering a wide range of topics and subjects. For individuals looking for a job, it might be beneficial to add skill-based certifications like online BLS, ALS courses for health care professionals, on your resume as it shows your quest for continuous personal development.
2-Learn a new software.

There are innumerable benefits of being good in IT, in a world that is becoming digital with each passing moment. You do not need to have a formal certification to market yourself on your CV. Learning a new software programme can enhance your skillset and add a unique skill on your CV that other employees might not have.
You can:
-Learn a new statistical software. They are free, available for everyone to use, and can be extremely beneficial. While in the past the utilization of statistical software might have been limited to certain fields, nowadays many employers are on the hunt for individuals who are good at data crunching. From the basic use of Microsoft excel to stata and spss, these software will equip you with the main tools to enhance your ability to analyse any type of data.
-Learn Microsoft Office Programs such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. These are one of the most used programs in the world and are used across various industries and jobs. Moreover, being knowledgeable about data handling can make your work life easier.
-Learn programs from the Adobe creative cloud. From Adobe Photoshop to Adobe premiere, these programs are a great addition to your resume if you want to market your creative and innovative side to the world. Lectures and tutorials are easily accessible on YouTube thus you can indulge in free of cost learning right away.
3-Learn a new language

While bwing proficient in English (The third most spoken language in the world!) is already a great plus point for your CV, learning a new language can introduce you to newer jobs especially in Multi-national corporations who are on the lookout for candidates who are proficient in foreign languages. With each passing day the world continues to become borderless and integrated, therefore, a new language can make your CV stand out significantly. To learn a foreign language it can be helpful to see YouTube tutorials. Moreover, there are some great apps available on the google play store and the apple store offering means of learning a foreign language at home.
4-Utilize the power of social media to become an Entrepreneur.

Have you dreamt of having your own business or a start-up? This right now is the time to think and carefully plan your future business. Use the power of the internet and social media at your disposal to research for great business ideas to refine yours. If you have a skill that you can market then why not make money from it. Various home-based craft shops are operating on Instagram currently selling skills such as baking, candle making, writing, sketching, and painting. You can easily create your pieces and put them up for sale. Other than this, doctors have a great opportunity to yield through online consultations. Having an entrepreneurial kick is a great way to show future employers your commitment to growth and work despite challenging circumstances.
5-Update your resume and make it attractive.

Utilizing this time to update your resume is necessary. Your resume must be concise and to the point. While there is nothing such as a perfect CV, you can take time out and create a CV that demonstrates your best skills and qualifications. Furthermore, you can use this time to pick organizations you would like to work for in the future, and have three to four different resumes, each of them centered around the job that you wish to apply for. For instance, a job in a hospital can add weight to your clinical skills section, and for a job, within a writing company, you can add weight to your writing skills. Thus, you create CVs that resonate with employer expectations at work. Lastly, if you do not have a linked in a profile yet, create on right now! These business network websites make you visible in the virtual world. Make sure to create a profile that stands out and exhibits your value to a potential firm.
Written By: Rohina Khizer
Rohina Khizer is a GMC-UK registered doctor from AIMC. Having a profound interest in arts and writing she tries to create a versatile and balanced experience between her work and her hobbies.